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+49 (0) 89 20 300 64 22 Mon - Fri 09:00-18:00
+49 (0) 89 20 300 64 22
Mon - Fri : 09:00-18:00

NetzDG-REP (NetzDG) Services

NetzDG-REP Services


The Network Enforcement Act (Netzwerkdurchsetzungsgesetz, (NetzDG); German: Gesetz zur Verbesserung der Rechtsdurchsetzung in sozialen Netzwerken), also known as the Facebook Act (Facebook-Gesetz), is a German law aimed at combating agitation and fake news in social networks.
Any Company which is an organization that is regulated by the German Network Entforcement Act (NetzDG), but established outside of the EU needs to designate an NetzDG-Representative, (NetzDG). Our Law Firm Designee provides a NetzDG-Representative, (NetzDG).
The Company designates the Designee as a Netz-DG-Representative (NetzDG) of the Company in Germany to act on its behalf with regard to its obligations under Article 5 NetzDG and the Designee is willing to accept such designation.


Network Enforcement Act (NetzDG)

  • The Network Enforcement Act (Netzwerkdurchsetzungsgesetz, NetzDG), also known as Facebook Act is a German law aimed at combating agitation and fake news in social networks.
  • The NetzDG extend to platforms that are operated for profit and whose purpose is for users to share any content with others.
  • Journalistic platforms for which the service provider is responsible, as well as platforms for individual communication or the dissemination of specific content, are explicitly not covered by the scope of application.
  • Exempted from thereporting obligations: social network providers with less than 2 million registered users in Germany


Does my company needa NetzDG-REP, (NetzDG)?

Companies regulated by the NetzDG but established outside of the EU needs todesignate an NetzDG Representative (NetzDG-REP).


Obligations under the NetzDG?

Reporting obligation

  • Reports must be made every six months on the handling of complaints about content relevant to criminal law. The report must contain, among other things, information on the volume of complaints and the decision-making practice of the networks as well as thestaffing and competence of the work units responsible for handling the complaints. The reports must be published on the internet for everyone to access.


Our Law Firm will be the designated contact for the regulator.


more information


NetzDG / Network Enforcement Act-Representative (NetzDG)

(Further information: NetzDG-REP_CYBERLEGIS_Flyer_2022)   Download


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For more information, kindly send an email to

niedermeier@cyberlegis.legal  ·   Mon - Fri 09:00-18:00