accepts all common cryptocurrencies for payment.
The Network Enforcement Act (Netzwerkdurchsetzungsgesetz, (NetzDG); German: Gesetz zur Verbesserung der Rechtsdurchsetzung in sozialen Netzwerken), also known as the Facebook Act (Facebook-Gesetz), is a German law aimed at combating agitation and fake news in social networks.
Any Company which is an organization that is regulated by the German Network Entforcement Act (NetzDG), but established outside of the EU needs to designate an NetzDG-Representative, (NetzDG). Our Law Firm Designee provides a NetzDG-Representative, (NetzDG).
The Company designates the Designee as a Netz-DG-Representative (NetzDG) of the Company in Germany to act on its behalf with regard to its obligations under Article 5 NetzDG and the Designee is willing to accept such designation.
Companies regulated by the NetzDG but established outside of the EU needs todesignate an NetzDG Representative (NetzDG-REP).
Reporting obligation
Our Law Firm will be the designated contact for the regulator.
(Further information: NetzDG-REP_CYBERLEGIS_Flyer_2022) Download